As a member of our CO₂-mitigation technology provider network, you'll have access to the latest developments and a community of like-minded professionals. Full and associate membership paths are open to industry, academia, NGOs, private individuals, and active party members.
As a full member, you'll get:
Voting rights and the chance to be elected to the board
The ability to define the organization's strategic direction
Full access to our continuously growing international technology provider network, including academic, startup, and SME networks
Regular updates on technical and regulatory developments
Prominent display of your company logo on the homepage
Full members are expected to:
Actively participate in organization activities
Support our mission and values
Pay annual membership dues
As an associate member, you’ll get:
The ability to attend the general assembly
The opportunity to participate in the editorial process for public releases
Access to our technology provider network, including academic, startup, and SME networks
Regular updates on technical and regulatory developments
Display of your company logo on the homepage
Associate members are expected to:
Support our mission and values
Pay annual membership dues
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